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LASIK is a type of refractive surgery. This kind of surgery uses a laser to treat vision problems caused by refractive errors. You have a refractive error when your eye does not refract (bend) light properly.

For you to see clearly, light rays must travel through your cornea and lens. The cornea and lens refract the light so it lands on the retina. The retina turns light into signals that travel to your brain and become images. With refractive errors, the shape of your cornea or lens keeps light from bending properly. When light is not focused on the retina as it should be, your vision is blurry.

With LASIK, your ophthalmologist uses a laser to change the shape of your cornea. This laser eye surgery improves the way light rays are focused on the retina. LASIK is used to treat myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) and astigmatism.

The goal of LASIK is to correct your refractive error to improve your vision. LASIK eye surgery may reduce your need for eyeglasses or contact lenses. In some cases, it may even allow you to do without them completely.

Who Is a Good Candidate for LASIK Surgery?

To have LASIK surgery, you need to meet certain requirements. Here are some of them:

  • You should be 18 years or older (ideally, over 21 years old, when vision is more likely to have stopped changing).
  • Your eye prescription should not have changed much in the last year.
  • Your refractive error must be one that can be treated with LASIK.
  • Your corneas need to be thick enough and healthy, and your overall eye health must be generally good.
  • You need to have realistic expectations about what LASIK can and cannot do for you.

Some people are not candidates for LASIK. They include people with:

  • an unstable (changing) refractive error
  • extreme levels of myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism
  • severe dry eye
  • corneas that are too thin
  • corneal scars or disease
  • keratoconus (cone-shaped cornea)
  • advanced glaucoma
  • cataract affecting vision
  • a history of having certain eye infections
  • diabetes that is not controlled well

Also, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not have LASIK. This is due to vision changes that can happen during pregnancy.

Your ophthalmologist can talk with you about other conditions that may keep you from having LASIK.

To determine whether you are a candidate for LASIK, your ophthalmologist will examine your eyes. Here is what will be done:

  • The overall health of your eyes will be checked.
  • Measurements of your cornea will be taken.
  • Your pupil size will be checked.
  • Your refractive error will be measured.

In some cases, your ophthalmologist will measure the quality and the amount of tears that your eyes make. This is to check if you have dry eye, and if so, how severe it is. To schedule a LASIK evaluation with an Eye Associates of South Texas LASIK surgeon, call (830) 379-3937. Source: